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Truity Credit Union Blog > May 2016 > Moving Timeline

Moving Timeline

  • 5/9/2016
There are a lot of steps you need to take to prepare for your move. Here’s a timeline for a smoother move.

 Download the Moving Timeline PDF


Purge, Purge, Purge

Donate unused or unnecessary items, have a yard sale, trash or offload what you don’t need.

Get Organized

Create a moving binder that includes your moving budget, moving company/truck quotes, to-do list, and other moving-related paperwork.

Begin Packing

Pack away items you probably will not be using in the next few month like Holiday decorations, off-season clothing, photos & scrapbooks, etc.

Moving Timeline Cheatsheet


Change your address

Start with the post office and get some helpful coupon savings. Use our Change of Address Checklist with your notification tasks.

Transfer Services

Contact your utility companies to transfer services to your new home. Make sure you transfer existing mail subscriptions.

Let the movers know

If you plan on using a mover, it’s time to make your choice. Make sure you set up your appointment and get a written confirmation including all price and date info.


Schedule Dates

Schedule time-off at work, child care/pet care, moving helpers, and confirm your movers/moving truck, if applicable.

Pack First Night Box

Pack a box (or suitcase) with first night essentials like hygiene items, clean sheets and towels, and a change of clothes.

Finish last repairs

Inspect your home to make sure everything is in good working condition.


Do Laundry

Clean those clothes before you move…you’ll have plenty of other things to do after you arrive.

Clean Up

Now that everything is packed and ready to go, complete any final cleaning.

It's the Big Moving Day!

Eat Well!

A balanced breakfast with water and snacks on hand will help keep you going throughout the day.

Get Your equipment

If you reserved a truck, arrive 15 minutes early for pick up or check in online. If you’ve hired movers, make sure everything is ready for their arrival.

Keep Calm

Make sure to breathe! Take one step at a time and take a break if you need one.

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