Truity's best savings account is the Name It Save It account, currently paying a dividend rate almost 20 times the national average! Open your new savings account today.
Open a Name It Save It account
The maximum balance for this account type is $150,000. You will continue to accrue dividends on your balance of $150,000. Your accrued dividends will be deposited into your primary share account.
Structured savings plan with four FREE withdrawals; $10 fee per additional.
That's right. Nothing.
Open an account with what you have today.
Earn dividends on amounts up to $100,000.
Truity's High Yield Savings Account is a savings account with a typically higher variable rate. Our High Yield Savings Account is called the Name It Save It account and is limited to a maximum of four (4) online withdrawals or debits per 12-month period from open date without penalty. Interest on your High Yield Savings Accounts will be compounded daily and posted to your account monthly.
When you apply to open our high yield savings account (known as the Name It Save It account), you will also apply for membership with Truity Credit Union.
There is no minimum dollar amount required to start earning dividends on your deposit. There is a maximum balance of $100,000.00.
Your savings are insured to at least $250,000 by the NCUA, a U.S. Government Agency, and is backed by the full faith and credit of the United States.
This account has four (4) free withdrawals every 12-month period from open date; $10.00 fee for all other withdrawals.
At this time, each member can only have one High Yield Name It Save It Account. Other competitive savings rates are available.