Truity Credit Union

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Automated Clearing House, known as ACH, is the easiest way to send money to and from your other financial institutions electronically. This free service offered by the Credit Union allows you to move your money around as needed to any of your accounts. Also known as External Transfers, it is the electronic linkage of accounts that you can fully control anytime through Digital Banking.

You can transfer between your Truity accounts and other financial institutions once an external account has been verified.

To set up an external transfer on a desktop:

  • Log In to Digital Banking
  • Click Your Picture or Initials
  • Choose Settings
  • Click +Add Account, then Set up external transfer account 
  • Enter account information and Submit
  • Confirm the two deposit amounts to your other financial institution
  • Finally, schedule a new one-time or recurring transfer

To set up an external transfer on the app:

  • Log in and choose "Accounts" on the left-hand menu.
  • Click on the top right and select Make external transfers
  • Enter account information and Submit.
  • Confirm the two deposit amounts to your other financial institution (This may take 1-3 business days to arrive. There is no longer a charge for Micro Deposits when testing a first-time External Transfer.)
  • Finally, schedule a new one-time or recurring transfer.

Please note: Transfers to another financial institution may take 3-5 business days to process.

To verify the two trial deposits, please go to MAIN MENU (Three Horizontal Lines in Top Left Corner) > NAME > SETTINGS > EXTERNAL ACCOUNTS. 

To make a payment in Digital Banking using an External Transfer, please do the following: Select TRANSFER > select FROM: other financial institution > choose TO: loan > Enter Amount > SUBMIT.

Related FAQs

Automatic Clearing House

Faster transfer of funds than traditional checks

Log in to Transfer

FREE External transfers
Convenient access through Digital Banking
Automatic payments
Direct deposit
